Dear Mrs. AnikWulyani (sorry for being late),
I have just read the articles entitled “Less
Teaching, More Learning” and “Project-Based Learning.” In my point of view, these
articles tend to give information about the education in other countries.
Therefore, we can compare it to Indonesian education which used to apply “More
Teaching, Less Learning.” It was just like when I still became a student of
Senior High School. I often heard the teachers’ explanation instead of doing
presentations, projects, etc. Nothing wrong with the teachers at that time as
they just did what the government ordered, just like the recent timeJ That is why,
personally I agree with the concept of “Less Teaching, More Learning”. Here I
give my reasons why I said so.
Firstly, I think
the concept of “Less Teaching, More Learning” has a close meaning with the
words “Learning by Doing”. By doing something by the students themselves means there
will be three steps of it, those are planning, doing, and evaluating. The
students can feel, hear, see, smell, and remember even every step they have
taken. If it succeeds, sometimes the students will feel that they once had the
best experience in their life and it will become an unforgettable moment.
Secondly, there are
three kinds of learning styles such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic styles.
Auditory students can grasp easily anything related to sounds or voice. Visual
students can grasp easily anything related to objects, pictures, drawing, and
so on. Kinesthetic students can grasp easily when they share and discuss
anything with others. So, it seems that “More Teaching, Less Learning” concept
is only suitable with the students who have auditory styles. On the other hand,
the other types of students will feel difficult to grasp the materials. They
will feel bored or sleepy listening to the teachers’ explanation.
However, there are
some challenges that Indonesia will have faced if the concept of “Less
Teaching, More Learning” and “Project-Based Learning” are implemented, such as
minimum facilities and human resources. Just imagine if the students want to
conduct some presentations but the school has no LCD or do some projects but
they have no money for buying the stuff that they need. Teachers also take an
important role here. They should be able to manage the class well when they are
teaching because “Less Teaching, More Learning” does not mean the teachers do
not do anything in the classroom. They should be a good facilitator for the
students to grasp what they need in learning process.
various innovations and improvements have been conducted by the Indonesia
government since long time ago. It means that the government actually wants the
education in Indonesia to be better and better. This high motivation becomes a
good support to implement the new concepts of “Less Teaching, More Learning”
and “Project-Based Learning” as we can see them in the government’s new product
this year, Curriculum 2013. Designed by many education experts, Curriculum 2013
has implemented the learning process activities called 5M (Observing=mengamati,
Questioning=menanya, Exploring=mengeksplorasi, Associating=mengasosiasi, and
Communicating=mengomunikasikan) and it has been developed until next year. It
also uses some learning approaches such as Project-Based Learning, Discovery Learning,
Problem-Based Learning, etc within the learning process activities. Until next
year, there will always be improvements, developments, and evaluations during
the implementation of Curriculum 2013. I think there is a new hope that
Indonesia education can be better than before.